KMC Easy Chain Checker MTB Wear Indicator Tools Gauge Repair Checker


20 in stock


  1. User-Friendly Design: The KMC Easy Chain Checker lives up to its name with its straightforward operation, enabling you to quickly and effortlessly assess your chain’s condition without complex procedures.
  2. Instantly Assess Chain Condition: This tool offers an immediate evaluation of your chain’s state, empowering you to decide if it requires maintenance or replacement. This proactive approach can avert potential issues while riding and prolong your chain’s lifespan.
  3. Prevent Wear-Related Problems: By regularly utilizing the KMC Easy Chain Checker, you can spot chain wear and stretching before it escalates into a major concern.
  4. Cost Savings: Consistent maintenance and timely chain replacement can save you money in the long term by reducing the need for more extensive repairs or component replacements.
  5. Enhance Cycling Performance: A well-maintained chain can enhance your cycling performance by ensuring smooth gear shifts and efficient power transfer from your pedals to the wheels.
  6. Ideal for Dedicated Cyclists: Serious cyclists who log substantial miles and prioritize peak bike performance will find this tool exceptionally beneficial.

Additional information

Weight 100 g





Simple checking of the wear condition of the chain, suitable for all common circuit chains


Changing the chain at an early stage protects the chainrings and sprockets


Improved Design from the Regular Chain Checker Tool


Compatibility: all common circuit chains


Shows Chain Condition in An Instant


Essential Tool for Any Cyclist


Material: Steel


Colour : Silver


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